A Review of My Aims for 2014 (It’s May already)

Adventure is waiting

At the beginning of the year as I always do I compiled a list of hopes, aims and ambitions for the 2014. I always find it more positive to think about things I want to start doing rather than things I want to give up as is the tradition of many New Year’s resolutions.

Suddenly May has crept up and we are already a third of the way through the year which still feels fairly new to me. A good opportunity to evaluate how I am doing

This year my hopes and plans include:

  • Learning to make Macarons
  • Eating fresh fish from our local fishmongers at least once a week
  • Trekking to Everest Base Camp
  • Running 500km before 31/12/14
  • To have more than 11 cinema trips (11 was the number of times I went in 2013)….Yes I do keep note of these things!
  • Reading more new authors
  • Visiting more book related events
  • Reading at least 2 Christian books – (although I’m a Christian and an avid book worm i’m not good at reading Christian literature)
  • More writing
  • Starting an online blog


Image via Martha Stewart

So how am I doing, well I haven’t yet learnt to make macarons, and I haven’t to my shame read any Christian books, and I don’t quite manage to visit our fishmongers weekly….yet. But so far I have clocked up 5 cinema trips, I’ve run 148 km and I have trekked to Everest Base Camp. I am reading lots of new authors, I have been to some bookish events. I look forward to sharing more about both in future posts. I am writing more and here is my blog. So overall a satisfactory first third of the year.

Have a lovely book filled bank holiday weekend.

Me on Everest



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