5 on Friday: 5 Exciting Exhibitions, Coming Soon

I apologise only slightly for the London centric nature of this post. If you don’t live in these here parts, these exhibitions might inspire you to come and visit.  You’d be very welcome!


  1. Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon  There is no doubt that this exhibition will be beautiful, particularly if the above portrait is anything to go by.  Expect lots of iconic, eye pleasing images  from Audrey Hepburn’s life as an actress and fashion icon.  For your viewing pleasure from 2nd July to 18th October at the National Portrait Gallery
  2. Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty – Now I’m no fashionista but I do like admiring beautiful and original clothes.  This exhibition will be a collection of the largest number of McQueen Works seen in one place ever. It’s at the V&A, and I can think of no reason not to go. It runs from the 14th March to 2nd August.
  3. Shoes: Pleasure and Pain  I love a shoe and have often endured pain for the sheer pleasure of admiring my foot in a perfectly turned heel.  Although I don’t buy shoes withquite the regularity of when I was a young 20 something, I can’t deny it I do still love a pretty shoe.  As a good friend once said to me.  It doesn’t matter what your waist line is doing, shoes always look good.  I say ‘here here’ to that and shall be going along to this exhibition to gasp at an array of toe curling pairs. From 13th June to 13th Jan 2016, at the V&A
  4. Barbara Hepworth: Sculpture For A Modern World is the first major Barbara Hepworth exhibition in London for 50 years. It promises to be a treat as it will include some of her major stone, bronze and wood sculptures.  I love the tactile nature of her sculptures, and it will be interesting to see such a large body of her work exhibited in a gallery setting.  At Tate Britain from 24 June 25 October
  5. Magnificent Obsessions: The Artist as Collector  ‘One mans rubbish is another mans treasure’ is the phrase that comes to mind when reading about this exhibition.  I love a frippery and this exhibition will be full of them, as the picture below makes clear. This is the personal collections from artists such as Damien Hurst, and Andy Warhol, all exhibited along side their work.  The exhibition will explore the influence this hoarding or collecting has had on the artists work.  I shall be reminding my husband I don’t ‘hoard’ books I ‘collect’ them to influce MY future works! This exhibition is already in full swing at The Barbican Art Gallery from from 2 February 2015 – 25 May 2015

Are there exhibitions you would reccommend, London or else where?  Let me know

images: National Portrait Gallery, V&A, Tate, Barbican

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