5 on Friday: 5 Things To Make A Picnic Swing

My most memorable picnic from last summer was actually a non picnic. The setting was the courtyard of the romantic somerset house in London, the month was August (summer) and the plan was to watch a movie on the big screen under the stars on a balmy summers evening.

Unfortunatly  thunder, lightening, and a torrential downpour  started about 5 minutes after we had laid out our rug and all our scrummy food.  We spent the next 45 minutes huddeld under our coats with the picnic rug straddled across our legs and  food.  The result: soggy food, a water logged courtyard and us abandoning ship and heading home before the film had even begun.

Tomorrow we have another picnic planned, and this time we are hopeful of a better outcome.  The weather forecast is good, the food is being prepared, the prosecco is on ice and our best friends will be there.   What could possibly go wrong?

Here are 5 lovely things that would enhance any out door picnic adventure.


  1. Paper straws seem to have made a come back lately and I love these vintage floral ones from Dotcom.giftshop
  2. Who doesn’t need a basket.  Plenty of room in these Handwoven Souk Baskets  for sunscreen, the all important novel and of course picnic food.  Available from Notonthehighstreet.com
  3. I love a picnic rug but lets face it, sitting on the ground for any protracted length of time can become uncomfortable.  Thats where this seaside themed seating comes in.  Find it at Homebase.
  4. I have this very book and its wonderful, I have used it loads for picnics and besides.  Its full of easily transportable food ideas and will certainly extend your picnic repertoire.  Find our more about Annie Bell and her food here.
  5. In the UK picnics can be a little breezy and I always feel comforted to know I have a flask of something hot tucked away.  I’d feel even more comforted if I knew it was tucked away in this Orla Kiely Flask.


  1. Karen
    June 5, 2015 / 8:27 pm

    Can’t wait. Hoping for a need for sunscreen and sunhats xx

    • Angie
      June 9, 2015 / 8:32 pm

      I think we should have all used a bit more sunscreen! It was a great day x

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