5 on Friday: 5 Things To Make

For one reason and another its been a creative couple of weeks here, with card making, baking and my visit to Art in Action.   With all this creativity in the air I have been feeling more inspired to make things.  When creativity calls, what better place to go than the interweb and blog land.  Here are 5 things found on 5 creative blogs recently that I would like to make.

  1. A ‘5 minute DIY Necklace’ from The Lovely Drawer.  This would a great addition to any wardrobe of accessories!
  2. A DIY Tissue Garland from Take Courage.  I would like to trail this across my white book cases (not sure Mr V would be so keen!)
  3. Cake Domes and Cloche Jars from A Beautiful Mess.  A great way to display your kitchen labours
  4. Washi Tape Book Marks from Fox and Star.  How easy are these, and they are something I might actually make!
  5. I will be attempting to make a slightly Anglicised  version of these Hot Chocolate Cup Cakes from Your Cup Of Cake today.  Pictures to appear on Instagram!

My weekend will be mainly make up of cakes, vegetables, flowers and a village show.  More on that next week.

Have a lovely weekend one and all X

Image Credits:  1. The Lovely Drawer, 2. Take Courage, 3. A Beautiful Mess, 4. Fox and Star, 5. Your Cup of Cake

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