Christmas at Pullens Yards Open Studios

Pullens Yard Open studiosSome months ago, in fact 6 months ago to be precise, I stumbled across the Pullens Yard studios in South East London.  Pullens yard is a collection of 3 yards all of which house the studios of artists, designers and craftspeople. The yards have been there since the 1880’s when they were purpose built for designer-makers.  I love that in our world of mass production these studios are evidence  that arts and crafts are alive and well.

Last weekend was the second of the twice yearly open studios  event  This is when the artists fling open their doors to the public and allow us to enjoy their work and indulge in a little bit of browsing and purchasing.  It was the perfect opportunity for some creative Christmas shopping whilst chatting to the artists and designers, and sharing a glass of mulled wine.  I revisited some of the designers I discovered last time I was there whilst finding lot of new artists whose work I want to investigate further.

I came across ria ritch creative at my last visit and have been a regular browser of ria’s etsy shop ever since.  I couldn’t resist making a little purchase on this occasion.  I was keen to find Anna Wrights lovely art again.  Ever since I visited last time I’d regretted not buying a print I had fallen in love with  called ‘Tosca in the lupins’.  I couldn’t ignore it second time around and so bought myself a little early Christmas present.  Tosca will soon have pride of place in our dining room.

I also love the work of Daniel Reynolds and enjoyed some time in Daniels cosy study admiring the beautiful bowls, sculptures and lampshades that adorn his workspace.

Pullens Yard Open studios
Daniel Reynolds Studio


Pullens Yard Open studiosI loved these screen prints by Hector and Haddock and I have been perusing their cheery website since I discovered them.

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If I was getting married or having any sort of occasion that required flowers I would make Jam Jar Flowers my first port of call.  During the December open studios weekend their shop was alive with foliage and berries and cleverly unstructured door wreaths. This magical unicorn diligently guarding the door way is a little taste of the floral creativity that lies within .
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I love to meet an author and I was thrilled to meet Jane Bull, the author of these wonderful craft books for children and creator of the colourful giraffes.  She happily signed the book I bought as a gift for a crafty girl I know.  There  is lovely Youtube film of Jane’s creative process here
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Open studios was a great way to find my Christmas mojo and I felt positively festive as I left with my purchases, under my arm.

I know its hard to think beyond the 25th December at the moment but if you are planning 2016, the dates for the Summer Open Studios is 10/11/12 June .  It really is a grand day out.

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