5 on Friday: 5 recent blog discoveries

BloggingThe blog world is a busy place.  There are so many of them, and so many of them are  just so good.  As a blogger, this is wonderful and inspiring.  There is so much clever writing out there,  and you don’t have to look far to find other like minded souls.  Sometimes when I discover a new blog I just want to read everything it has ever published.  My relationships with blogs ebb and flow, there are some blogs I will always turn to.  Others might interest me for a while, I might then drift away, sometimes returning, sometimes not.  There are other blogs that I eagerly turn to throughout the week hoping a new post has been published.

Many of the blogs I find, I find through twitter or through the kind bloggers that choose to comment or like a post on my blog.  Finding one new blog usually leads on to finding lots more. These are 5 fabulous blogs I have discovered recently and wanted to share with you, because blogging is all about sharing the blog love.

  1. Diary of a Londoness  I discovered this lovely London based blog after the author Scarlett began following me on twitter.  I was particularly excited by this particular ‘follow’ and immediately started reading ‘Diary of a Londoness and couldn’t stop.  If you live in London, this classy blog is definitely one for you.
  2. London Kitchen Diaries  Another London based blog but this time a ‘food, travel and lifestyle blog’.  Oodles of gorgeous foodie pictures, recipes and restaurant recommendations.
  3. Page to Stage Reviews is lovely collection of book reviews, theatre reviews, a bit of lifestyle and lovely photographs.
  4. Notes From The Chair I discovered this (as I do many things) through twitter.  Nina is a Hairstylist who blogs about all things bookish.  She is an avid reader and book event attender and often interviews authors who take to her chair to be coiffed.  She also has a great twitter feed.   I actually almost met Nina last weekend at Chiswick book festival.  I recognised her at a couple of the talks I attended, but annoyingly was too shy to say hello!
  5. The Book Keeper I love this unique blog. It is written by the owner of a little book shop in South Australia and is a journal of her interactions, conversations and experiences with books and those customers that frequent her shop.

I hope that you enjoy some of these blogs.  I would love to hear about any blogs you would recommend.  Have a lovely weekend.

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