Birthday Books for Birthday Girls

With a growing collection of nieces and nephews the opportunity to buy lots of lovely children’s books is also growing.  In my humble opinion money spent on books and stories is always money well spent.

I love revisiting the books that occupied my every waking hour when I was much younger than I am now.  Opening an Enid Blyton today still gives me the thrill it gave me as a child when I would spend hours sprawled on the sofa or prone in the garden unaware of very little around me believing that I too could be a member of the famous five.

So it was with a spring in my step and a smile on my face that I sauntered along the Fulham Road to Daunt Books  to buy birthday books for my two lovely Goddaughters.

I chose a couple of books by Michael Morpurgo one of their current favourite authors.

photo 1

I included a couple of classics,  an E. Nesbit story ‘Five Children and It’ and the wonderful ‘Carries War’ by Nina Bawden.

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For good measure I added a beautiful collection of poetry by Carole Ann Duffy which I hope they will enjoy.

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Happy Birthday to the gorgeous two E’s xx

photo 4


  1. June 25, 2014 / 12:44 am

    Oh I so agree, money spent on books is money well spent. I do think books make the best gifts too!

    • Angie
      June 26, 2014 / 11:52 am

      So true Abbie. Some of my favourite books have been gifts

  2. Rachel Wooden
    November 16, 2014 / 10:05 pm

    And they do love these books! Thank you for these and all the wonderful books you find them…
    Rach xx

    • Angie
      November 17, 2014 / 9:24 am

      Its always a pleasure.
      Thanks for the lovely comment, and thanks for reading xx

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