The End of A Staycation

hydranga My week of holidaying at home has been all I had hoped for, I have whiled away hours watching wimbledon, (rooting for Roger if you’re asking). I have stretched my limbs running and, cycling. I have had time to read during the day in my own garden or in cafes. IMG_1358 I have basked in the glorious English summer sunshine. IMG_1396 I’ve had almost every meal outside.

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I’ve browsed second hand book shops, I’ve bought books.


I’ve enjoyed art and others creativity and spent precious time with family and friends.

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Tomorrow is Monday and back to work.  I have been know to have the ‘odd moan’ about work and Monday mornings.  However this week I have realised anew that I am very fortunate to have a job I mostly enjoy.  Without the mundane and the structure of the working week I would not appreciate the gift of holidays.  When My alarm goes off at 6.30am tomorrow morning I hope to still be feeling the same way……. However your week is looking, mundane or otherwise I wish you all a Happy Monday x photo 2

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