September 2014 #1day12pics

This is my first foray into #1day12pics. This months chosen day was 6th September.  #1day12pics is organised by Michelle at My Creative Photography and  Emma Davies at Photography for blogs.  The idea is to take a photo every hour throughout the day, and share (with the hashtag #1day12pics) social media.

This is my 6th of September.  All the pictures were taken on my i-phone 4s between about 10.15am and 9.30pm
IMG_1610Leaving Home for the Thames Tall Ships Festival

IMG_1611 First Stop: the ships moored at Canary Wharf
IMG_1618An imposing HSBC building at Canary Wharf

photo A Tall Ship making its way along the Thames at Woolwich Arsenal – a little glimpse of history

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 Wending our way through the crowds away from the river

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 The fabulous and moving display of ceramic poppies at The Tower of London to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the first world war

fish and chipsPin this image on Pinterest
One of the many tourist spots around The Tower

bag and shoesPin this image on Pinterest
 A stop off in Hammersmith to buy supper supplies – proud to still be sporting summer wear in September

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A welcome aperitif in the garden

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Salmon and Prawn Thai Curry for supper

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The end of my first #1day12pics adventure

Despite being a very poor photgrapher, but a photographer with a desire to take much better pictures, I loved taking part in this day.  To see some much better photographs have a look at the wonderful selection here.


  1. September 11, 2014 / 9:34 pm

    A great set of photos. I particularly like the young sailors chatting. What I love about this project is the little window it gives into other peoples lives. Hope you’ll join in again. There is also a #10on10 which is both more manageable and easier to remember – Ha!

    • Angie
      September 12, 2014 / 3:55 pm

      Thanks Clare. I’m naturally nosey so I agree a peek into other peoples lives is fascinating. I’ll keep my eyes open for the #10on10

  2. Carolyn
    September 12, 2014 / 7:27 pm

    Angie they are really good! Well done.

    • Angie
      September 13, 2014 / 8:37 am

      Thank you Carolyn. It was a fun thing to do.

  3. September 13, 2014 / 8:23 pm

    I disagree – I don’t think you’re a poor photographer. You’ve got a great eye, some fantastic viewpoints, and different takes on familiar subjects. Love the photo of the poppies especially.

    • Angie
      September 14, 2014 / 1:41 pm

      Thanks for the lovely comments Emma. I shall be investigating your blogging photography boot camp.

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