Create: Christmas Crackers


I love a Christmas Cracker – who doesn’t. It would’t be Christmas without my mum still wearing her Christmas Hat (slightly skewed) 3 hours after Christmas lunch is finished.  And what Christmas table is complete without being strewn with tacky plastic gifts, terrible jokes and torn paper hats.  However I can’t help but be disillusioned by the cost of any half decent crackers these days.

All good reasons to have a go at making my own this year.  A quick trawl of Amazon and a couple of clicks later and I had ordered paper hats and cracker snaps.  Finding suitably  bad jokes was easy, and choosing  useful and/or enjoyable gifts to fill them with was just part of my general Christmas shopping.

I used some of the surplus Christmas paper I had left over this year and added ribbon that I also already had. The personalised labels were from cardboard remnants and stickers.


I hope that along with my crackers, your Christmas goes with a bang this year!

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