So What Is A Meetup?

Image for Meetup

Last week I went to my first ‘meet up’ .  I’d heard about the concept of ‘Meetup’ from my husband who attends them in a work context.  From what I had gleaned from him, I understood them to consist mainly of ‘techies’ meeting  in a room above a pub to drink beer, eat pizza and talk about techie things.  So when he suggested we went along to one together I wasn’t exactly overwhelmed with enthusiasm.

However that was then.  That was before I understood what Meetups are about  “neighbors getting together to learn something, do something, share something…”

All around the world at all times of day and night groups of like minded people are getting together  to learn, to educate and to share with others, with the aim of improving themselves, and their communities.

“Meetup believes that people can change their personal world, or the whole world, by organizing themselves into groups that are powerful enough to make a difference”

Now whats not to like about that kind of philosophy.  The Meetup I went to was in the Apple Store in Covent Garden, run by a group  called ‘Instagrammers London’ and the subject for the evening was ‘Creative Photography with i-phone’.  It was a completely free session given by an ‘i-phoneographer’clearly enthusiastic about her art sharing her knowledge to help others.  Lots of the folk obviously knew each other and met regularly. I was very much there just to learn and didn’t contribute in any away apart from by being part of the audience. However it was great to witness positive and encouraging exchanges of information between people with similar interests.

I’ve since done a bit of research around ‘Meetup’ and registered my interest in areas such as literature and writing (obviously), and arts and culture, to name just a few. I now get regular emails about local Meetups I might want to pop along to.

Meetups can be what you want them to be. You can attend particular groups regularly or you can dip in and out as you please. All that’s required is an interest in the subject and a willingness to share and  learn.

I love this creative co-operation and freedom.  All over the world people are coming together through enthusiasm and a willingness to share knowledge.  What a life affirming, life enhancing idea.  Anyone can attend meetups and anyone can start them. If you’re interested in finding out what Meetups might be in your neighbourhood, then this is the place to go.

I’d love to hear your experience of Meetups.

image 1 changing-pages, 2 Meetup.com


  1. February 4, 2015 / 8:36 pm

    I’ve never been to a meet-up, I’m always a bit to chicken to attend alone. I want to move city soon, so I think I will force myself along to some – make new friends.

    • Angie
      February 5, 2015 / 9:07 am

      They seem to be a good way to meet people with similar interests, and if its not our thing you don’t have to go bac! A move to a new city sounds exciting Alice…

  2. February 5, 2015 / 12:36 pm

    Hi Angela,

    I have looked at the Meetup.com site a number of times before to see if there are anything interesting meetups for me to try going along to in my local area.

    Your review of your positive experience adds value to the process for me and means I shall take another look for meetups I might want to attend


    • Angie
      February 6, 2015 / 9:15 am

      Hi Jo, Thanks for your nice comment. I would certainly be a lot braver about going to one in the future. Look forward to hearing how you get on…

  3. February 12, 2015 / 8:08 am

    Meet ups are a great way of finding likeminded folks. I have been to quite a few blogger meetups and made some lifelong friends from there.

    • Angie
      February 12, 2015 / 11:10 am

      Hi Elizabeth, I would love to go to some blogger meetups, one of my aims for the year is to meet more bloggers. Any reccomendations much appreciated.

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