5 on Friday: 5 Cheap and Cheeful Things For The Weekend


  • Make Some Guacamole

Why not try this chunky guacamole recipe from Rosalilium. I adore avocado and there’s a wonderful fruit stall at a station near to where I work that always stock them.  At 2 for £1, they are too good to resist.

  • Add some Art to your home

I have a box full of postcards I’ve collected from my travels or from exhibitions I’ve visited. I prop them against mirrors or on mantelpieces or stick them to my fridge. I regularly move them around and they add instant interest and colour appeal Here are some other great suggestions from A Little Opulent

  • Buy Some Spring Flowers

Daffodils are cheap and infinitely cheerful. Groups of Jam jars or single stem vases filled with colourful blooms are sure to make you smile. Be inspired by these ideas from The Nordic House

  • Paint Your Nails

A home manicure with a pop of cheering colour is an easy way to add a little glamour to the every day. I often find myself gazing at hands during my commute as part of my ongoing search for the perfect nail hue (Is that a little odd?) I’m usually drawn to varying shades of reds but I’ve spotted lots of pretty pastel colours in recent days which I could be tempted by.

  • Read an awards nominated book

Choose one of the Bailey’s Prize long listed books to read and order it from your local library for free. Top of my list is Anne Tyler’s A Spool of Blue Thread. You can see the full list here.




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