Daunts Book Festival 2015



As anyone who reads this blog regularly will know I am a dedicated fan of Daunt Books in London and need very little excuse to take myself along to one of their gorgeous shops.  Last week I managed to combine a visit to the shop in Marylebone with a Festival event.

It’s the first time I’ve managed to get along to the Daunt Book Festival – full time working is not always considerate to the needs of the book lover!  I was determined this year however not to miss out and managed early on to secure tickets to the festival finale, which just happened to feature the very affable Michael Palin.

The subject of the event was ‘Palin on Place’.  A perfect subject for such a widely travelled writer.  Michael in conversation with Daunt’s own Brett Wolstencroft spoke interestingly on the importance of place in writing, the places which inspire him and the writers he finds particularly good at capturing a sense of place.

The event was predictably packed and from where I sat I could barely see Michael but such is the familiarity of his voice and his passion for the subject it (almost) didn’t matter.


Next year I am determined to get along to more than just one event!

1 Comment

  1. March 24, 2015 / 11:03 pm

    You were there too! Wonderful that you got to see Palin, it was a great talk.

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