#BEDM Where I Blog

Where I Blog

I’m always interested in other people’s writing spaces.   I love the Office Crush feature on the Paper Crush website, and I have a whole board dedicated to writing rooms on Pinterest. I think i imagine  just ogling these lovely rooms and desks where creative people create will magically rub off on me.

I visited the Roald Dahl Museum last year and my favourite thing was the recreation of Roald Dahl’s writing hut.  There was something wonderful about realising that so many wonderful stories and poems were created in such a humble space.

The reality for me is that I blog almost anywhere.  We have recently revamped our dining room.  Although lighting still needs finding and pictures hanging its already much lighter and airier and I find myself gravitating there of an evening.  At the moment it’s lined with empty book shelves.  As I gradually organise myself to fill them I imagine I will spend more and more time writing there.  Being surrounded by books and words in any form always inspires me.

My other favourite place to blog is in my local cafe, 5 mins from where I live.  Free wifi, delicious coffee, plump almond croissants oozing marzipan and a gentle hum of people coming in and out seems  conducive to creativity.  Although I mostly write my blog posts in full straight onto my computer I am often making notes or scribbling sentences or paragraphs into the selection of note books I always carry around with me.  I can do this on the tube, on the bus, in waiting rooms, or pretty much anywhere I find myself.

I like things around me.  I’m definitely not minimalist.  I need notebooks and coloured pens, the more colourful the better.  I also feel better if I have my blog planner and a supply of stickers within easy access. Because you never know when you might need a sticker!  Coffee in the morning and Rooibos Tea in the evening are also staples of my blogging requirements.

The Blog Every Day In May has required me to be more creative with  my time and when and where I blog.  I have already learnt that although I dream of having my own little writing space, actually I can write pretty much blog anywhere.






  1. Karen
    May 19, 2015 / 9:23 pm

    Can,t wait to see the new look room- looks fab just from this pic xx

    • Angie
      May 20, 2015 / 5:51 pm

      Thanks Karen. Hopefully it will be a little more finished when you visit xx

  2. May 25, 2015 / 7:16 pm

    I love your blogging spaces! I just perch at the end of my bed, which I suspect isn’t that healthy (for mind and body).

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