#BEDM – The Final Fling

IMG_177531 Days ago I set out on the journey that was the Blog Every Day in May Challenge, and 31 days later (today) I’ve completed it, (small whoop of joy) managing to post every day.  Although on a couple of occasions It was a close thing.  Posting at 11.30pm isn’t something I plan to continue!

I am really pleased to have been able to take part.  I do like a challenge and can become quite single minded (my hubby calls it obsessive) when I decide I’m going to achieve something.

So how was it….?

  • I really do love to blog.  Although this was never in doubt the challenge of writing daily has reinforced that
  • I enjoyed the daily prompts. Although I often didn’t stick to them, they helped me think a little more laterally about the things I already write about and challenged me to write about things I wouldn’t usually consider.  I guess it made me more creative!
  • I’ve discovered that there is scope to widen the content of my blog without changing it drastically
  • I loved seeing how others in the challenge were interpreting the prompts.  However spending so much more time writing my own blog meant I didn’t have time to read as many other blogs as I would have liked
  • I’ve enjoyed interacting with others and have really appreciated all the comments I’ve received along the way
  • My most popular post was the one I wrote for Nurses Day.  I was particularly thrilled by this as it was featured on Post-40 Bloggers  and its probably my most personal post, and the post I most enjoyed writing

So What Now….?

  • I know that I can’t sustain a daily post, and actually wouldn’t want to.  Posting so regularly makes it difficult to spend much time refining what i’m writing or editing images.  Consequently some of my posts have been a little lacking in content and quality.
  • I’m now going to spend time catching up with  other other bloggers who took part in the challenge. I’m looking forward to reading others posts and discovering new blogs
  • After taking a couple of days off to plan for June, I shall be back to my 3 times a week postings, with renewed vigour and enthusiasm

And finally…..

THANK YOU to Elizabeth at Rosalilium for setting up the challenge, and even more THANK YOUS to everyone who continued to read, like, comment and generally stuck with me during May whilst I was clogging your timeline and twitter feed with yet another Changing-Pages post.

Back Soon,

Angie xxxx


  1. Karen
    May 31, 2015 / 9:54 pm

    Well done Angie. Loved reading everyday xx

    • Angie
      June 2, 2015 / 9:11 am

      Thanks Karen, and thanks for sticking with it xx

  2. June 1, 2015 / 12:55 pm

    Hi Angela,

    Well done for doing every day of blog every day in May. I enjoyed reading your posts.

    Look forward to your June musings

    Have a great week


    • Angie
      June 2, 2015 / 9:13 am

      Thanks Jo, I enjoyed reading yours too. Its been a good discipline but happy to go back to a more manageable schedule now! Enjoy your week .

  3. June 10, 2015 / 5:22 pm

    Interesting to hear what you thought about it, and it sounds like you’ve taken quite a lot from it, too. Fun way to find other bloggers, too

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