5 on Friday – 5 by Claude Monet

If I look back, I think the first time I ever really began looking at art was as a student.  Like many students of the late 80’s early 90’s I had a Monet poster on my wall.  I probably bought it from either Athena (remember them) or the student union for not very much at all.  Since that first encounter I have always enjoyed impressionist art, the gentleness, the fluidity and of course the light and colours.  These days it’s probably not terribly trendy to admit to liking Monet, but hey when have I ever been trendy!  These are 5 Monet paintings that I always enjoy.

  1.  Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son 1875

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With summer in full swing, lots of  blue skies, sunshine, gentle breezes and the heavenly light that comes at this time of year I am especially drawn to this painting.

2.  The Houses of Parliament, Sunset, 1903

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I’ve had a view across the river Thames of the Houses of Parliament for the past 3 years from my office, and it’s such a beautiful building especially at sunset.

3. The Japanese Footbridge, 1899

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This painting has been reproduced so many times that it must  be one of Monet’s most enduring images and yet its one I still love.

4. Blue Water Lilies, 1916-1919

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Monet painted lots of water lilies and it was a water lily painting that adorned my student walls

5. Springtime, 1872claude-monet-springtime-1872I love this painting of Monet’s wife and muse Camille reading peaceably under the dappled shade of a tree.

If you are interested in Monet, I recommend you hop over to a website called Artsy.  I’ve only recently discovered this site. It  has a wonderful catalogue of Monet paintings as well as featuring  over 40,000 other artists.  If you can’t get to an art gallery this is a great way of viewing works of art housed in galleries all over the world; discovering new artists and discovering more about the artists you already know and love.

Have a fabulous and ‘artful’ weekend X


  1. Rach
    August 14, 2015 / 10:13 am

    I had Monets too on my students wall. .the Bridge and lilies. .and I’ve just bought the Bridge again recently. My friend who was an artist, painted the lilies on her bedroom ceiling at home, which looked amazing!

    • Angie
      August 16, 2015 / 8:33 pm

      Wow,painting on the ceiling is impressive. I look forward to admiring your latest purchase of The Bridge Rach x

  2. August 16, 2015 / 2:48 pm

    I’m not usually a fan of the softness of Monet, but you can’t deny what he paints is beautiful. Now I’m off to surf Artsy.

    (I remember Athena, I miss that shop)

    • Angie
      August 16, 2015 / 8:33 pm

      I completely agree, and what ever happened to Athena? I bought many a post card and poster from that shop.

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