Shoes Pleasure and Pain

shoesWho doesn’t love a shoe?  I really love a shoe.  Shoes don’t care if you have put on a few pounds or are having a bad hair day.  Buying shoes doesn’t require you to take all your clothes off in a changing room with all those glaring mirrors and unforgiving lights.  Shoes can make you stand tall and stand out from the crowd.

Glancing down at a shiny patent shoe,  a jewelled sandal, a chunky polished winter boot or even a flip flop on a brown foot with painted toes  can bring immense (if somewhat shallow) pleasure, and I’m all for it.  This is why the current shoe exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London was perfect for me.  I visited before Summer ended and Autumn kicked in and it was still possible to wear my favourite gold sandals.

This exhibition looks at the extremes of footwear from around the globe, presenting around 200 pairs of shoes. It’s a shoe lovers paradise.  The shoes on display are from a variety of cultures, and historical periods with lots of attention given to  contemporary shoes. The eclectic display range from the ridiculous to the sublime with everything in between.

I was thrilled to see a beautiful Christian Dior beaded silk evening shoe on display.  I’ve had the postcard of these shoes on my dressing table for years.

Christian Dior Shoes

“One shoe can change your life forever” Cinderella

This exhibition is running at The Victoria and Albert Museum in London until 31st January.  If you love a shoe then this is certainly the exhibition for you!

Images via Victoria and Albert Museum

1 Comment

  1. October 30, 2015 / 8:13 pm

    Shoes and lipstick, what more do I need (apart from books of course).

    I should pop up to see this exhibit, I would love it.

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