5 on Friday: October on Instagram

Whereas September still has a breath of summer about it, October is truly Autumn.  Temperatures  drop, the heating goes on and nights draw in as the clocks go back.  This October has seen some bright sunny days and dusky early evening skies.  I’ve tried to take advantage of both.  I had a Friday night date night with Mr V earlier in the month when we drank cocktails and watched the sun set over the imposing St Paul’s Cathedral.  We’ve had some bracing Sunday walks in our favourite local parks.  Scrunching through leaves never loses its appeal, and I’m always stunned how many shiny conkers litter the ground.  Why aren’t children scooping them up and stuffing them into coat pockets?  The circus is in town  and I snapped this picture of the big top when cycling  home from work last week.  It looked so vibrant against the fading sky, I couldn’t resist dragging my bike across the common to get a closer look.  I’ve also taken a little time to schedule a few blog posts for the next month.  Whether I keep to this schedule remains to be seen but it always feels better to have a plan!

October has been a busy month and as it draws to a close I’m looking forward to some holiday in November.  More of that next week.  For now you can find my other random instagram snaps at @angiev1n

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. October 30, 2015 / 8:14 pm

    I so jealous of all these shoes on autumn leave Instagram pictures I keep seeing – if only the nature around me would be as obliging. Stupid sea.

    • Angie
      November 2, 2015 / 10:12 am

      You are right Instagram is a wash with autumn leaves at the moment, but I often wish I could see the sea more than I do!

  2. Carolyn
    November 2, 2015 / 7:52 am

    Love all the photos Angie! October can be such a lovely month!

    • Angie
      November 2, 2015 / 10:12 am

      Thanks Carolyn. I agree, the colours are so amazing.

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