Home Again

LIfe is Pretty amazingA mere seventeen days ago I was signing off here for a much anticipated cycling holiday to Cuba.  Over 600km on 2 wheels later, and I’m back and gearing myself up for going back to work tomorrow.  It was a fabulous trip, which exceeded my expectations in so many ways.  Cuba is a country brimming with, sunshine, colour,  beauty, music, contradictions and frustrations and I loved it.  I’m looking forward to sharing photographs and tales from my trip with you soon.

I love travelling but I also love coming home. Travelling is a wonderful reminder of how much I have and too readily take for granted.  Health, education, enough food to eat and a plentiful supply of hot water.

This weekend, apart from tackling the enormous pile of washing I brought home with me, I have caught up with family and friends and enjoyed a little bit of time on the sofa whilst trying to ignore the fact that Christmas seems to have landed in UK since we left!

Have a lovely week X

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