5 on Friday: November on Instagram

I’ve tried to resist filling this post with instagram pictures from sunnier climes where I have spent a chunk of November.  Sunshine and sandals isn’t terribly November-y, at least in my little corner of  the world. However I couldn’t resist including this snap of palm trees against a deep blue sky.  I took it in a garden of a beautiful hotel we visited on the last day of our trip.  The garden over looked the sea.  The sky was deep blue, the sun was intensely warm and I wanted to capture that feeling knowing that in  just 24 hours I would be looking up at considerably greyer skies and trees that had long since shed their summer coats.

I don’t really do Halloween but I couldn’t resist making this chocolate cake with cute meringue ghosts.  Although I actually made it on the 31st October, we were still eating it on the 1st November so I thought I could sneak it in.  The collection of leaves and vegetables in vibrant greens and purple hues were bought at a local market stall and formed part of a Saturday night supper with friends.

So here we are at the end of November  with Christmas a mere 4 weeks away. I suspect my Decembers Instagram feed may be a little less sunny and a lot more sparkly.

You can find me on Instagram @angiev1n




  1. Karen
    November 27, 2015 / 1:30 pm

    Lovely pics. Thought you were going to say that the cake was still waiting for you when you got home from hols!! xx

    • Angie
      November 29, 2015 / 10:15 pm

      Not quite, I think we just about managed to polish it off before then!

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