A Word On 2016

Unravelling the year ahead

I always take a few days to find my mojo with a new year.  I like the idea of a clean start, new beginnings and all that goes with it, but it always takes me little time to let go and start looking ahead.  However after a few days back at work and away from the lovely Christmas bubble I think I’m there.   I have started to make plans for 2016 and think about the things I would like to achieve.

As I’ve said before I don’t really make resolutions.  Maybe its just me but resolutions often seem negative and unrealistic and concerned with putting a stop to pleasure.  Instead I like to focus on hopes and aims,  and things I would like to do. This seems a much more positive way of approaching a new year.

Last year I used Susannah Conway’s work book ‘Unravelling the year ahead’ Its a great way of reflecting on and being grateful for  the past and thinking about your achievments, what went well and what could have gone better.  It’s also a great way of thinking about the year ahead in a  structured but inspirational way.  I love to write things down, some how it makes them more real and tangible.  The work book gives plenty of opportunity for this while positively encouraging doodling and decorating as you think about where you have been and where you would like to go.Unravelling the year ahead

One of the things I really like about it is that it encourages you to think of a word that will guide you through the next 12 months.  The word should be exactly what you want it to be, but it should encourage you, inspire you and even stretch you.

If you have been reading Changing-pages for a while you may recall that my word for last year was Embrace.  This was a good word for me.  I wanted to embrace new opportunities and experiences. I talked about embracing photography, creativity, colour, family, friends, travel and maybe even change. Throughout the year I found myself coming back to this word as new opportunities came my way and as I look back over 2015 I feel grateful and thankful for the many experiences both big and small I had.  I started a new job; I travelled, taking in New York, Berlin and Cuba, I spent time with my family and friends and have enjoyed learning a little more about photography and being a consistent blogger.

I have been mulling over my word for 2016 for the past few days, often as I cycle home emptying my mind of all things work related.  I keep coming back to the same word as I think about the year ahead and the things I would like to do.  So this year the word I have chosen isCreate

Yes this year I want my year to be filled with creativity.   I want to use this year to live a more creative life. Working full time takes up a large chunk of the week but I want to use the ‘free time’ I do have as creatively as possible. I have a number of crafty things I want to try. (more about that later in the week)  I want to visit more galleries and exhibitions, I did’t do nearly enough of that last year.  I’m looking forward to extending creativity to my reading habits too.  Its easy to read the same kinds of books because they are reliable, I want to try some things I might not normally choose – all suggestions gratefully received.

I’m ready to create 2016 and go where ever it might take me.

Images, 1, 3 Changing-pages, 2, Susanna Conway

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