5 on Friday: 5 Creative projects for 2016

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Earlier this week I said that my word for the year was going to be CREATE.  I’m feeling excited about this and plans are already afoot for some of the things I hope to create this year.

  1.  Calligraphy.  It’s been a much talked about aim of mine to be able to master calligraphy.  My former work colleagues will testify to this.  They very kindly bought me some calligraphy pens and ink to learn with.  So, over the winter evenings of January and February, I’m looking forward to getting to grips with it.
  2. Brush Stroke Lettering.  This goes hand in hand with my hope to master Calligraphy.  I love the sweeping, free and easy style of brush lettering and would like to be able to create something that I would be happy to hang on our wall.  I have booked myself onto one of the Quill  London Brush Lettering courses in February which i’m really looking forward to.
  3. Macaroons.  Inspired by dedicated watching of the Great British Bake Off I have determined that 2016 really will be the year I learn to make macaroons.  It was an unfulfilled goal in 2014 and 2015.  This year with the help of some John Lewis vouchers I received as a gift I’m booking my self onto a ‘How to make macaroons’ evening at The Waitrose Cookery School.
  4. Scrap Booking.  My first taste of scrap booking was when I was very little and had a Royal Family dedicated Scrap book.  I have kept various scrap books on and off since then, usually when I’ve been travelling.  I recently came across some fantastic scrap booking ideas on The White Journal UK  I particularly like the idea of ‘Smashbooking’.  It’s a very loose journal,  with anything and everything smashed together in to it.  It might contain tickets and receipts, packaging and other loose paper bits you want to stick down. It can be full of lists, photographs, postcards and doodles, and can document your life in any way you want.  I’m a bit of a hoarder so this might be a good way of doing something with all the ‘bits’ I collect.
  5. Photography. I’ve been following Emma Davies on Instagram and Twitter for some time now, and a while back took part in ‘1 day 12 pics’.  I admire Emmas photography and beautiful images and have signed up to her free on line course ‘A Year With My Camera’.  I’m inspired by a new camera we have and the desire to take better images for my blog, so I look forward to sharing some improved images in coming months.

I think that should be enough to keep me going for the year. What creative projects have you got planned for 2016?


Images, Changing-pages

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