5 on Friday: 5 Great Reviews from 5 Great Book Blogs


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Yippee it’s Friday again.  Added excitement for me this weekend as I’ve taken a couple of days annual leave to make it a 4 day extravaganza.  I’m hoping to have some time to catch up on some of the blogs i’ve neglected reading lately and maybe discover some new ones.  In the mean time here are some reviews from some of the book bloggers I always try to keep up with

  1.    Of Books reviews ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness.

I loved this book by Patrick Ness.  I think I read it before I became a fully fledged blogger so haven’t reviewed it myself.  Its one of the most heart wrenching but beautiful books I’ve read.  Can’t recommend it highly enough

2.   Lonesome Reader reviews The life and Loves of Lena Gaunt by Tracy Farr

This is a debut novel and as I said earlier in the week I’m always keen to discover new authors.  This is Lonesome Readers summary of the novel “She (lena Gaunt) is a ninety year old musician living in a small cottage in a suburb of Perth, Australia. Her specialty is playing the theremin or the aetherphone which is a special electronic instrument controlled without physical contact. Even at her elderly age she still performs in concerts and then retires to her quarters to smoke opium. She’s an eccentric character who narrates the story of her colourful life ”  And I can say  is, who wouldn’t want to read a book like this?  I shall add it to my list.

3.  Emily Books reviews Peking Picnic by Ann Bridge

Emily reviewed this back in September and it went on to become her book of the year.  I love Emily’s reviews and always find myself wanting to read anything she writes about.  Ann Bridge was a diplomats wife.  This story is about Laura Leroy who is “stuck between the adult world of China, where she is a diplomat’s wife (like the author), and that of her children left behind in Oxfordshire”.

4.  The Writes Of Women reviews If You Look For Me I Am Not Here by Saraya Srivatsa

Set in India, exploring culture and gender issues this sounds like a mystical and unusual read.  The Writes of women says  “I’ll be surprised if I read many better books this year.” A great recommendation from an insightful reviewer.

5.  A Little Blog of Books reviews The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante

You may (or may not) recall that one of my books of the year was My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.  The Story of a New Name is the second book in the Neapolitan novels. I can’t wait to read more of where Elena and Lila’s friendship takes them.  Coming across this review this week has made me excited about this series of novels all over again.

I’m reading Persuasion by Jane Austen this weekend. Grey skies and rain make for perfect Austen reading conditions.  Have a wonderful weekend whatever you are reading

Image, Changing-pages


  1. lonesomereadereric
    January 22, 2016 / 5:06 pm

    Thanks for the mention, Angie. Lena Gaunt is a really pleasurable and original book. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. February 7, 2016 / 3:40 pm

    What a wonderful list, definitely some of my favourite bloggers here – and thanks for including me 😀

    If you ever get the chance to post your review of A Monster Calls I’d love to read it.

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