5 on Friday: 5 Bookish Twitterers

Typewriter and BooksWell Hello Friday Friends!  Its almost the weekend and as always I’m mightily glad it is.  This Friday it’s all about Twitter.  Social Media is a part of life that’s here to stay. As you know I love Instagram for all the pretty things.  Pinterest is great for collecting ideas and other pretty’s and Facebook is a good way of keeping up with what friends and family are up to. Twitter however was my first Social Media love. I  joined twitter in November 2011,  I currently follow 228 other twitterers and up to now have tweeted 1544 times. Twitter is where I keep up with whats going on in the literary world, via authors, writers, publishers and other book bloggers. It’s where I keep up with all the museums, galleries and theatres I love and most importantly it’s where I discover what nightmares are going on with London’s public transport systems!  It’s also where I follow and discover new bloggers and get prompted to look at others blogs (bloggers are usually tweeters, how else do we publicise to the unsuspecting world what we have to say about anything).

So without further ado on this last Friday in January I thought I would share 5 twitter accounts that focus on the bookish and always provide me with reading inspiration.

  1. @Novelicious The Women’s Fiction Website for Readers and Writers.
  2. @forbookssake Feminist charitable organisation championing writing by women. “We support, celebrate and educate through editorial, events, campaigns, projects and more.”
  3. @TheBookseller The Bookseller is the UK’s definitive book industry magazine and website. News, analysis, Nielsen BookScan sales charts, jobs, Buyer’s guides, more
  4. @GuardianBooks News, reviews and author interviews plus tweets from the  and Observer books team
  5. @FaberBooks Purveyors of fine books since 1929, and still trading independently. “Follow us for Faber news and freebies…”

I’m always looking for new book inspired tweeters.  Who do you recommend?

Should you want to you can find me on twitter @AngieV1n

image, Changing Pages


  1. February 1, 2016 / 5:38 pm

    Hi Angela,

    If you like second hand bookshops, then I would recommend following Erica of @bookshopblogger. She does some great posts on her passion for discovering second hand bookshops. Well worth a follow.


    • Angie
      February 1, 2016 / 6:24 pm

      Hi Jo, lovely to hear from you. I follow @bookshopblogger, in fact I’m planning a little collaborative post in the next few weeks. You are right she does some great posts.
      Watch this space! Angie

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