The Lure of a Vintage Emporium and a Weekend with Friends.

Antiques Emporium

Hello friends!  Its unusual to get a Sunday night post from me but having had a lovely weekend away with friends and the prospect of another days holiday tomorrow I’m feeling particularly relaxed and chipper.  In fact as I write I’m still in our weekend holiday cottage, cosied up in the  sitting room recovering from a particularly delicious pub lunch.  There are a variety of activities going on around me.  The hubby is checking out football updates on his i-phone, the youngest member of our group is alternating between lego building and the top trumps game his mum and dad are now playing without him!  There is a little bit of snoozing and book reading happening and I’m sitting in the middle of it all feeling grateful for this bunch of people who are all so special to me.

A weekend away is always a jolly time, not least for the browsing and frippery buying potential it brings.  Wandering around a new town poking my nose into new shops and cafes is always a fun thing to do.  I have bought some of my favourite bits and bobs when on a weekend mini break. Today was particularly successful as after our leisurely lunch we came upon a wonderful vintage, antiques emporium for some relaxed Sunday afternoon browsing.  It was brimming with curios; collections of mis matched china and crockery, from all eras.  An elegant black top hat with endless dressing up potential, and lots of  antique clothes and linen.  I’ve never bought any antique linen but would like to.  I am often tempted by starched white napkins and table cloths.  Stuffed foxes and an antique red squirrel in a glass dome was less tempting.  I did however succumb to a 1930’s art deco corn flower blue spotty tea cup, saucer and tea plate.  I can guarantee it will feature in future blog posts!Vintage

VintageAnyway it’s almost time to load the car, wave our good byes and head back to our respective homes in different parts of the country.  The wonderful things about having such good friends  is that next time we meet up we can pick up again exactly where we left off.

Have a great week everyone.

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    • Angie
      February 8, 2016 / 9:02 pm

      Thank you so much. I’m coming to Florida a little later this year. Maybe i’ll trac down some vintage finds whilst I’m there!

      • February 8, 2016 / 11:02 pm

        Yeah. Certain areas the thrift stores are awesome, other ones ask way too much money. One in particular, is my honey pot but I will never write about that location

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