5 on Friday: Five under £5 March

5 for under £5This month I’ve decided to join in with the 5 under £5 feature started by rainbeaubelle.  I’ve enjoyed reading this feature on other blogs and it fits in perfectly with my weekly 5 on Friday posting!  I’m a day early as it usually runs on the 5th day of the month but I’m guessing that won’t matter.

I love a little shopping and pottering and like most I love the feeling of snapping up a bargain.  I’ve had a couple of weekends recently when I’ve had time to potter around the shops unhindered so there has been plenty of time to make a few purchases and buy a few treats.

My favourite spring buy is always Daffodils.  As I must have said on many occasions I just love them.  They immediately brighten a room, and any room with daffodils is a cheery room in my opinion.  They are such a bargain too and will often last the best part of a week.  I’m buying 2 bunches for £1.50 at the moment.

5 for under £5

I love a second hand book shop and one of my favourites is Oxfam Books in Chiswick.  They always have a great selection and I know I won’t walk way empty handed.  I was particularly pleased to pick up this ‘Poem for the day’ book for just £1.99 a few days ago.  I’m not good at remembering poems but I do like reading them and I love the idea of reading a new poem every day.  After I bought it I immediately turned to my birthday  date to find out what the poem was.  ‘A song of a young lady to her ancient lover’ by John Wilmot the Earl of Rochester as you’re asking!5 for under £5

Now who doesn’t love a sharpie and at £1 for a pack of 2 from Poundland, how could I leave them on the shelf?  I have to say, I’m not convinced they will last too long, but I love them anyway and they were vastly cheaper than sharpies usually are.  Paper chase is a favourite stopping place for any stationery lover and I’m no exception.  I cannot go into Paperchase without picking up a postcard or two.   They are only 50p each so a completley guilt free purchase that brings instant cheer. I often send them but also stick them onto my fridge, prop them on shelves or put them anywhere else I can get away with.  We are doing lots of holiday planning at the moment so I especially love this one.

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The jury is still out on the blue nail polish.  I’m usually more into reds but I’ve wanted to try blue for a while now.  Maybe its something to do with blue being my favourite colour. Rimmel’s 60 second express polish is great.  Its only £2.99 a bottle and dries very quickly, which is perfect for impatient people like me.   This particular hue is called  ‘Danny boy blue’ and comes from the Rimmel London range.  Nail polish is always a great bargain pick me up when you need a little treat.

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And so there you have it, flowers, poetry, pens, postcards and blue nails.  All that a book reading,  flower loving, stationery using, collector of colour could possible possibly need.  If you want to see more lovely inspiration for Five Under £5 then check out Rainbeaubelle,

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  1. March 6, 2016 / 5:04 pm

    I have a vase of daffodils in our living room. They always make me smile and are sunshine in a room. I actually adore that blue nail varnish. I am a massive fan of Rimmel express nail varnishes, as I always smudge my polish. I might have to add this colour to my collection. Hugs Lucy xxxx

    • Angie
      March 8, 2016 / 7:39 pm

      I think the blue nail polish is growing on me. I agree the Rimmel express range is great, they have a great range of colours xx

  2. March 6, 2016 / 9:49 pm

    Daffodils are everywhere at the moment – so pretty! I am a huge sharpie fan too – love the colours! x

    • Angie
      March 8, 2016 / 7:40 pm

      Thanks Donna. I was pleased with the sharpies, will have my eyes peeled for more next time i’m in pound land!

  3. Ann Currie
    March 7, 2016 / 9:40 pm

    I love books and stationery too. I loved the card and it would look good on my blog! I may have to buy one now…Thanks for sharing x

    • Angie
      March 8, 2016 / 8:36 pm

      The cards from Paperchase are great. So many inspiring ones. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. March 8, 2016 / 2:43 pm

    I love your five under five and thanks so much for joining in! I am buying daffodils all the time at the moment too, they are one of my favourite flowers and March is my favourite month – maybe that’s why! The poetry book looks lovely what a brilliant find. x

    • Angie
      March 8, 2016 / 8:37 pm

      Thanks Julia. I’m so glad I discovered it via your fab blog. Daffodils are infinitely cheery aren’t they. I start to feel slightly anxious if I don’t have any in the house at this time of year!

  5. March 14, 2016 / 9:30 am

    I love daffodils, they certainly brighten up the house as they’re so cheery. I can never resist stationery and you’ve bagged some fab bargains there! Love that nail polish shade, too, bold and bright.

  6. March 14, 2016 / 1:27 pm

    I love having daffodils around this time of year, they are everywhere aren’t they so it’s easy to just pick them up when you’re doing your shopping. I like the sound of the poem a day book too, would love to carve out a minute of peace to read a poem a day, sounds very calming! xx #fiveunder5

    • Angie
      March 20, 2016 / 7:57 pm

      Hi Hayley, Daffs are such cheap and cheerful way to brighten the day aren’t they. I don’t quite manage to remember to read a poem every day, but when I do, I’m enjoying discovering new poems through this book.

  7. April 4, 2016 / 4:15 pm

    This post made me smile so much! I love daffodils and Paperchase postcards a little bit too much! That colour on your nails is also beautiful 🙂 x

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