5 on Friday: 5 Things to do this weekend

We made it to Friday.  I  sense a collective sigh as we reach for the weekend.  Its been a lovely spring week and I’ve enjoyed the light mornings and evening s and being able to cycle to work without gloves!  I’m not sure of the weather forecast for the weekend but I’m looking forward to a couple of days off work and some time with friends and a visit to a vintage car boot.
Heres a few things you might want to do this weekend.

  1. Buy some spring blooms and put them somewhere you can see them as soon as you wake up.  A sure way to start your day with a smile
  2. Treat your self to some proper reading time. (hide the phone to prevent distractions!)
  3. Put away the winter coat – lets be optimistic!
  4. Visit a second hand books shop and buy a book by an author you’ve not read before.  You discover a new author and a worthy charity gets your money.  Everyone’s a winner
  5. Put a spring in your step with a Sunday afternoon stroll

Whatever you do have a lovely couple of days.

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