5 on Friday: June on Instagram

June is probably my favourite month.  Long days, light evenings and hopefully some warm sunshine. For me June heralds the beginning of summer.  I have many happy memories of sun drenched June weeks in Cornwall.  Sitting out until late, sipping wine and watching the sun go down.   Gardens are filled with my favourite kinds of flowers, lupins, fox gloves, peonies and delphiniums. Life seems to become just that little bit more relaxed in June with the prospect of days out, picnics and the odd pimms and lemonade.  With one thing and another this June has been a busy month and it’s not done yet.  We began the month in Hawaii and are about to draw it to a close with a family celebration in Norfolk. As I look back over the pictures I have posted on instagram, the out doors features heavily with flowers and gardens.  These are 5 of my favourites.

You can find me on Instagram @angiev1n  Let me know where to find you.  I love finding new accounts to follow.

Whether we are ‘in’ or ‘out’ have a lovely weekend.

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