Making Memories and Celebrating 50 Golden Years

Memories at the beachWe spent much of the weekend with family and friends celebrating my lovely and loving parent-in-laws Golden wedding anniversary.  Ten adults, eight children and one dog gathered together at a borrowed beach hut.  The sun shone far more than we expected.  The children made sand castles, collected shells and splashed in the sea.  Moments were captured on film.  We ate and drank and laughed and together we made memories.  Memories the children will unknowingly tuck away and carry with them through their teenage years and into adulthood.  They may not turn to them often, but the memories will always be there, waiting for them, reminding them of the thousand tiny moments that made them.

For adults, new memories remind us of older memories, some of them happy and some of them sad.  We too store them away, adding them to that vast library of memories we already have.  Every once in a while we are reminded of  a memory, a moment captured in time that’s always there.  For whatever we do and where ever we go, our memories go with us, shaping us and reminding us of all that’s gone before.

Memories at the beach

images Changing Pages


  1. June 27, 2016 / 7:51 am

    It was lovely to make memories with you and the rest of the gang. Just an amazing day!

    • Angie
      June 27, 2016 / 9:45 pm

      It really was xx

  2. Mum
    June 27, 2016 / 11:35 am

    That’s really heart warming Angie. xx

    • Angie
      June 27, 2016 / 9:46 pm

      Thank you xx

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