A Winning Wimbledon Weekend

Strawberries and creamIt may be Monday night already, and I don’t know about you, but I’m still clinging onto the weekend (whilst looking forward to the next one of course).  My weekend was mostly about tennis.  My mum was lucky enough to get tickets for Centre Court on Ladies final day on Saturday, and I was lucky enough to go along with her to enjoy some great tennis.  Sunday was also largely spent watching tennis.  This time the mens single and then mixed doubles finals, although this time on the telly.  Lots of cheering took place as we celebrated Andy Murray and Heather Watson’s wins.

I’ve been fortunate enough to go to the Wimbledon Championships on a number of occasions.  I’ve queued for tickets from early in the morning, I’ve won tickets in the ballot (Federer Vs Nadal in 2006 – amazing),  I’ve bought return tickets early in the evening and I spent a week their as a volunteer games maker during the London 2012 Olympics.  But no matter how many times I go I’m always thrilled by it.

Wimbledon is unique with its perfect displays of purple and green baskets and boxes of flowers, unpredictable weather, perfectly manicured courts, the proud honoury and incredibly courteous stewards, Henman Hill and of course the over priced Pimms and strawberries and cream.  Even if you are only a part time tennis fan, there is something terribly exciting and of course terribly British about being at Wimbledon in early July.

If you have never applied for tickets, give it a go.  The ballot usually opens at the end of September and anyone can apply.  As  you might imagine the process is very traditional relying on pen, paper and snail mail.  To enter you must request an application form before the middle of December by sending a stamped addressed envelope to: AELTC, PO Box 98, London, SW19 5AE.  Keep your eye on the website for more details.  I certainly will be.

Well done Andy!

Image Red Carnation Hotels


  1. July 14, 2016 / 10:08 am

    I’ve never been to the Tennis, but my friend lives near and got to watch the mens final on the grass. Such fun!

    • Angie
      July 14, 2016 / 10:17 pm

      I recommend it if you get the chance. A grand day out!

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