Create: Itsy, Glitzy Cards

CardsIn last weeks 5 on Friday, 5 under £5 post I referenced the Sticky squares of gold striped paper I had bought from Tiger for the princely sum of £1.  At the time I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do with it.  But after a particularly gruelling day at work I arrived home needing to do something creative.  I remembered my sticky glitzy stripey paper.  Inspiration struck, and I spent the next hour or so sitting in the garden lost in some therapeutic card making.

As you can see they are incredibly simple, literally child’s play.  The striped squares were attached to white cards, and an assortment of shapes were then added for prettification.

I already had a packet of blank white cards.  I also had a packet of glittery, stick on shapes which I had bought months ago and only used a few of.   Apart from these 3 items the only other thing I used was scissors for a bit of trimming.  CardsThe hardest part was peeling the paper of the back of the sticky squares and applying it to the cards with out it becoming wrinkled and wonky.  I more or less managed this, rescuing only one near casualty on the brink of disaster.CardsNo glue was needed as the glittery shapes also have peel of backs so the only mildly difficult bit was deciding which colour and shape combination to choose.

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And this is what I made!  They’re not going to win any prizes for innovation but they are stripey and bright, and hand made, all of which ticks lots of boxes for me.
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  1. August 9, 2016 / 8:16 am

    Ooh, lovely. Handmade cards always a winner in my book xx

    • Angie
      August 10, 2016 / 6:01 pm

      Quite agree, even if they aren’t very professional which mostly mine aren’t!

  2. Mum
    August 9, 2016 / 10:45 am

    I look forward to receiving one. xxx

    • Angie
      August 10, 2016 / 6:01 pm

      That can be organised x

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