Struggling with the Seasonal September Shift

Septermber in Greenwich

Is it just me or does anyone else start to struggle as the nights draw in, the days get shorter and the morning alarm clock goes off in the dark?

There’s nothing I can do about it, I’m a summer girl.  I love a flip flop.  I could happily spend my life pottering around in flip flops.  Getting home from work, shoes off, straight into flip flops. Perfect.  Get up in the morning, out of bed, slide into a flip flop.  A wander around the garden. Flip flops. Absolutely.

Who doesn’t want to start the day by pulling on some shorts, and a t-shirt, or a floaty summer dress.  No jumpers, no ‘do I or don’t I need a coat?’ dilemmas. No tights in July for me, thank you very much.

And make up.  In the warm summer months with sun kissed, glowing skin, who wants to plaster themselves in make up which inevitably becomes shiny and slides down the face.  A sweep of mascara, a dab of blusher, a slick of a peachy lip gloss and good to go.

Minimal fuss, bag, phone, keys. Done.

Breakfast al fresco?  Yes please.  And lunch and supper too if you don’t mind.  Salad, strawberries, raspberries, water melon, ice cream.  I’ll have it all.

I admit, (grudgingly) there are some advantages to the cooler months. Personal grooming of the leg shaving, toe painting kind can step down a notch as legs and feet get tidied away into tights and boots.  But with my self imposed no boots and not tights before October rule, I’m not there yet.

Although I don’t exactly get dragged kicking and screaming into Autumn. There’s just no getting away from it, Summer is my season.  Now where did I put the sunscreen?

Image Changing Pages


  1. September 28, 2016 / 7:26 am

    With you all the way – love summer and in denial about the imminent need to get winter clothes out of the loft!! Little one still in shorts for school until October (despite the protests!!!). Enjoy the Autumn sunshine xxx

    • Angie
      September 28, 2016 / 8:22 pm

      Mine are in a suitcase under the bed, I guess i’m going to have to seek them out soon. Shorts until October, excellent! At least is still fairly mild xxx

  2. September 28, 2016 / 8:26 am

    Sorry, just the opposite for me! Love the changing seasons, the cool mornings and evenings. Getting my warmer clothes out to wear. Heat makes me itch, feel ill and generally exhausted.

    Made me laugh about the leg shaving!

    • Angie
      September 28, 2016 / 8:25 pm

      I know the summer isn’t everyones cup of tea. I guess one of the joys of living in our climate is that there really is something for everyone! I suspect i shelve to seek out the jumpers pretty soon.

  3. October 2, 2016 / 4:03 pm

    Haha, you are my total opposite. There is no season I love as much as Autumn.

    • Angie
      October 4, 2016 / 7:51 pm

      A season for all men / women rather than ‘A man for all seasons’ if you see what I mean (poor attempt at a literary reference…)

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