5 on Friday: September on Instagram

Despite my lamenting the arrival of autumn in my previous post it seems it cannot be ignored. My September instagram feed bears witness to this.  Notwithstanding the slightly greyer skies, pumpkins in the shops and fading light, September has continued to feel quite summery here with unseasonably warm days, art galleries, and  literary festivals.  A visit to Kew Gardens  to listen to author Joanne Harris talk about her latest book was a highlight as it gave me the perfect opportunity  to stop by the much talked about Hive.  An incredible sculpture literally humming to the sound of busy bees.

This weekend I shall be mostly putting our house back together after some unavoidable repairs this week.  Dust, dust and more dust.  I shall continue my reading of David Copperfield, (i’m past the half way point now), try to fit in a bit of baking (GBBO inspired) and look forward to a catch up with friends Saturday night.  What ever you are planning, have a happy time.

You can find more of my snaps on Instagram @angiev1n

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