5 on Friday: 5 for under £5 October

5 Under £5Why bless my soul, its October already.  The leaves are turning, the temperature is falling and I have had to admit defeat and squirrel away the sandals for another year.  The light is also fading which is always a challenge when trying to squeeze  blog photography into the shorter days as these photos will testify.  My 5 for under £5 collection this month seem to have taken on a sunny orange theme.  Completely unintentional but perhaps it’s my subliminal reluctance to leave summer behind.  So without further ado, I given you October’s 5 under £5, starting with these peachy blooms.  A bunch of blooms cannot fail to brighten a room.  When it comes to roses, my usual colour of choice is white or cream but I couldn’t resist the delicate hue of these beauties.  £4 a bunch in good old M&S

Oh Comely

The satsumas, or are they clementines? I can’t quite remember.  Anyway I have been intentionally buying and munching them this week in a bid to boost my vitamin C intake.  I’m on the final count down to the half marathon I’m running on Sunday,  so I’m doing all I can to boost my immunity and avoid the coughs and colds that begin to lurk at the changing of he seasons.

Oh Comely isn’t a magazine I’ve read before.  I’m having a few days away with my mum next week and a trip away is always a good excuse to buy a magazine.  When I saw this in my local newsagent this week, I could’t resist.  It was £5, which is quite pricy for a magazine but it is very beautiful.



Socks, socks socks.  5 pairs of socks for £5 to be exact.  I was looking for some ‘trainer socks’ to wear with some spiffy new white trainers I’m currently sporting and when I saw these on sale in M&S last week they went straight into the basket with barely a moments hesitation.  The eagle eyed among you will notice there are only 3 pairs here.  The other 2 are in the washing basket and I didn’t feel the need to fish them out, even for blogging purposes.

SocksPin this image on Pinterest

And finally, I give you 2 vintage style coat hangers,  purchased for the princely sum of £1, yes you read that correctly.  £1, or 50p per coat hanger.  Pound land comes up trumps again.  I’m not going to pretend they are top quality but they are hanging on the back of the door of our spare bedroom and are ideal for guests to hand their threads on.

Coat hangersPin this image on Pinterest

So there you have it an orangey October 5 under £5.

If you want to see more  inspiration for Five Under £5 or better still join in yourself then check out Rainbeaubelle.

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