Bringing the Changes


I established myself on this small corner of the inter web 2 1/2 years ago.  A love of books, reading and writing has always been a big part of my life.  ‘Changing pages’ began as a natural extension of that and as a means of writing about books, writers and all things bookish or inspirational.   An almost weekly book review post was soon established interspersed with reviews of author events, poetry, and comments on exhibitions and places I had visited.

As is the way with life and any form of creativity, Changing pages has evolved, and without meaning to sound too pretentious, has found itself.  Although the overall look of the blog has only changed twice, until now, the content has developed and changed with time and hopefully improved.

Anyone who has started a blog knows that naming it is a serious business.  Much like naming a dog, it feels important to choose   a name which says something about the look and style of your blog, a name you wouldn’t be ashamed of if you had to shout for it in the park.  Ok, maybe thats taking the dog analogy a bit far but you get my drift.   Basically you want to get it right because hopefully its a name of something which will be with you for a long time.  I chose the name ‘Changing pages’, because even when I didn’t have much idea of what I was doing or where I was going with my ramblings (some things haven’t changed), I knew change was what I wanted these pages to do.  I also knew myself well enough to realise my ideas, and inspiration would change, and I wanted a blog name that wasn’t so niche I wouldn’t feel prevented from doing that.

Books and the bookish has remained the heart of what I write about.  However, over time I’ve grown in confidence and in my own ability to string a sentence or two together and even write something that someone else (you) might actually enjoy reading.  So its perhaps only to be expected that my posts have covered a broader range of subjects.  As time has moved forward, I’ve shared bits from my own life, shared an odd craft post and established one or two series along the way.  Cooked books, Poetically Speaking and the now relatively long running weekly  5 on Friday posts have gone down particularly well.

All of this has brought me to the point where a bit of a revamp was needed,  brush up and polish, a mini make over if you will.  With the assistance of my incredibly patient and long suffering husband I’ve managed a newer and I think more contemporary look.  The technical side of this floored me regularly but I (we) got there in the end.  Now I’ve got a shiny new look, I’m focusing on shaking up the content a little.  As we know its all well and good  donning a drop dead gorgeous frock but if you haven’t got anything interesting to say its all a bit disappointing.

So, over the next days and weeks Changing pages will become ‘Bookish pages’, ‘London pages’, ‘Cultural pages’, Reflective Pages’ and ‘Creative Pages’.  These seem to be the areas I enjoy writing about most and I hope this will result in more interesting and even mildly entertaining content.  I still need to do lots of tweaking and improvements but I’m getting there and I really am excited about moving forward with Changing pages and seeing where it takes me.  So thank you to those of  you who read, and comment and encourage. I will continue to post 2-3 x’s a week whenever possible and write about all those things that inspire and excite me in this crazy world of ours where change on a much larger scale is feeling just a little bit scary today.


  1. November 20, 2016 / 6:21 pm

    I love this new look! So sleek and clean.

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      November 24, 2016 / 5:33 pm

      Thanks Alice, not like me at all, but will see if I can maintain the facade!

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