5 on Friday: 5 Reasons to be Thankful at Thanksgiving


In a break from tradition, (the tradition being that on the last Friday of the month I usually do  a round up of my month on instagram); and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I have decided to post about just 5 of the things I am thankful for on this the day after thanksgiving.  A day which has somehow become known as Black Friday in this country as well as across the pond.  I have to say, seeing my inbox flooded with emails offering me 100’s of % off all the things I might not know I need to buy or even want to buy doesn’t automatically make me feel thankful.  Its not that I don’t want to save money.  Don’t we all? Especially at this time of year, but to me it feels a little distasteful.  It is I guess a reflection of the consumerist, possession focused society we have become.  And perhaps one I feel a touch uneasy of being such a willing participant of.

As it happens some of the things I am most thankful for appear on my instagram feed anyway, so perhaps its not such a break from tradition after all.  As I have said before I have much to be thankful for but it helps to list them sometimes, to help focus on whats really important, and perhaps not so readily take things for granted.

My Health

From the job I do and a number conversations in the past couple of weeks with friends and family who are struggling with their health in one way or another I am so thankful that I am fit and healthy.  Living with a chronic condition, getting up every day in pain is the reality and facing an uncertain future is a reality of so many.  Each time I run I try to remind myself how fortunate I am to able to.

My Job

Its not unknown for me to have a bit of a moan about my job, the stresss and strains, the frustrations and all the other things that go with it.  However I realise in these uncertain times I am very fortunate to have a job I mostly enjoy, a job where I feel I can make a difference whilst working with a team of like minded people who all want to make a difference

My Home

We have lived in our current house 13 years and I love it.  It has caused us some frustrations recently with damp issues and our subsequent slightly incompetent attempts at decorating but it also gives me great joy.  Having a home we have created, with its crazy pink chair and dodgy paintwork which offers warmth and safety as a place to hibernate together or share with friends and family (which we love to do) is frankly quite brilliant.

My Church

Part of having a faith is being able to share that faith with others.  I do that in a church in Richmond where I have been attending or some years.  It keeps me grounded, reminds me whats important and challenges and encourages me in my faith in equal measure

Changing Pages

It may seem a small thing, but writing this blog has enhanced my life in so many ways.  It has brought me into contact with many fascinating people who I  have learnt from and been inspired by.  It has encouraged me to write regularly and has opened me up to a much wider world of books, culture and creativity than I ever knew before.

Wishing you all a happy weekend with much to be thankful for.

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