5 on Friday: 5 Christmas Wishlist Books

I have a never ending book wish list but at Christmas with all those lovely hardbacks in the shops and the possibility of receiving a book or two in my Christmas stocking my wish list steps up a gear.  The books on my Christmas wish list are books I would probably not buy myself or are gifts I would like to buy for others.  So I’m working on being good and hoping that one of these might find their way into my  stocking this year.

Inside Vogue A Diary of My 100th Year by Alexandra Shulman

I’m quite fascinated by the world of fashion.  Maybe because it’s a world so far removed from my own.  I enjoyed watching the 2 part series on Vogues 100th year and am interested to read more.  Alexandra is a writer by trade  so I’m imagining a well written book full of tantalising detail.

A Poem for Every Night of the Year edited by Allie Esiri

My quest to be someone who read poetry continues.  I first spotted this in an impromptu diversion in Waterstones a couple of weeks ago but have since seen it recommended via the #bookelves16 on twitter.  I like the idea of a daily poem and the cover of this edition would sit very prettily on my shelves I feel.  As an aside if you haven’t searched for the hashtag #bookelves16 then do.  It could solve all your book buying for children and teenagers dilemmas.

The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well by Meik Wiking

It’s time to jump on the Danish band wagon that doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.  I still don’t know how to pronounce Hygge, but I do want to know what all the furoe is about. There are a plethora of books on the subject of Hygge at the moment and I’ve flicked through quite a few of them, but this seems to be the one everyone is buying.  I can see why from its carefully shot calming images.

A Year with My Camera Book 1: The Ultimate Photography Workshop for Complete Beginners Volume 1 by Emma Davies

I made a poor attempt at the online version of this excellent course this year and really want to pick it up again. Emma Davies photography is beautiful.  If you haven’t discovered her, have a peek at her website or instagram feed, you can’t fail to be inspired

A Year with my camera,



Bright Bazar Embracing Colour for Make You Smile Style by Will Taylor

I’m all about the colour and have been known to be a little less than tasteful in some of my previous decorating colour choices (the least said about those shiny salmon pink walls the better).  I’m hoping this book might help me hone my colourful instincts


So, if you’re reading Santa, this is  for you XX

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