5 on Friday – Final Fling

Just two years ago I began my 5 on Friday series.  I started it as I wanted a regular feature, I like a list and it was broad enough to give me the scope to write about all sorts of things.  Of course it has often leaned towards the bookish but it has enabled me to post recipes, photo collections, highlights from my holidays, blog discoveries, and much more besides.  I’ve really enjoyed this and have rarely struggled to find a suitable 5 for my Five on Friday inspiration.  However, two years on and it feels the right time to draw this particular series to a close.  So with a little drum roll I give you the final 5 on Friday with 5 of my most popular posts.

5 Highlights from 2014.

This is where it all began. My first  5 on Friday post featured one of my favourite photos of 2014 #Everestbasecamp

5 Reasons I blog

This was a celebration of my 2 year blogging anniversary and continues to be exactly how I feel about blogging.

5 From Dorset

5 of the best from our staycation in 2015.  Dorset was a new discovery for us and we were blessed with sunny days and delicious breakfast pastries!

5 By Claude Monet

There was I thinking Monet was a bit cliched these days, but apparently lots of you like him too.

5 From Florida

2016 was a bumper holiday year and a road trip to the Florida Keys was one of the highlights. Hemingway, dolphins and incredible sunsets.

As far as 5 on Friday goes, that’s all folks!

I’ll be back next week with a whole new weekly series.  Stay tuned.


  1. Mum
    January 13, 2017 / 3:15 pm

    Shame I always enjoyed 5 on Friday but will look forward to whatever comes next. xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 15, 2017 / 8:39 am

      Ahh, thanks mum. Who knows it may be revived in years to come…X

  2. Karen
    January 14, 2017 / 2:26 pm

    I’m with your Mum, but I too eagerly await the shiny new thing x

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 15, 2017 / 8:39 am

      Thanks Karen. Plans are afoot….

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