The Weekend Wander #1


Welcome to this the first edition of The Weekend Wander.   The weekend is for most of  us those days when we have a little bit more time to explore, to read, to make, to visit and to generally wander.  So I am hoping this will be a place I can share with you ideas of where you might want to consider wandering over the weekend, be it geographically, creatively or metaphysically!

So lets get started.  If you have some time on your hands this weekend you might want to consider these

WATCH: Hospital available on BBC i-player

I have to admit some vested interest in this programme as its filmed at Imperial Hospital Trust where I work.  If you want a real insight into why operations are cancelled, why there never seem to be any beds in hospitals and the real life dilemmas doctors and nurses face each day then this is the show to watch.  If reality TV is your thing then this is the ultimate reality,  of daily life for doctors, nurses and patients.

LISTEN: Tea and Tattle Podcast

I have read Miranda’s blog Miranda’s notebook for some time.  Recently she launched with her friend and Oxford English Literature lecturer Sophie a new series of podcasts.  I started listening this week and can highly recommend them.  Lots of literary leanings.

SHOP: Trouva

I discovered Trouva last week when searching around for art for the gallery wall we are slowly creating in our newly decorated lounge.  Trouva has a great selection of homewares from the 150 boutique shops featured.  Browse away and get yourself a new print for your wall from around £10, theres a sale on now too.  Irresistible.

Have a great weekend where ever you find yourself wandering to.


  1. February 28, 2017 / 4:56 pm

    Just discovered this! Thank you so much for recommending Tea & Tattle on your lovely blog; I’m so happy you are enjoying it 🙂 Miranda xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      February 28, 2017 / 8:37 pm

      Hi Miranda, thank you for stopping by. I am really enjoying Tea and Tattle. I’ve just listened to the episode about ‘Shine Theory’. So interesting, something I’m going to read about some more. I always enjoy your blog too, Angie xx

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