Savouring January 2017


I have struggled with January this year.  Getting out of bed has been harder, the working week has felt longer and its take a while to shake my body out of sluggish slumber. Blame it on the long Christmas break, the over indulgence of sugar or the extra cold dark days and nights we have been having in the UK in recent weeks.  Whatever it is, or was, I’m pleased to have got through and to be looking forward to the slightly longer days of February.

Despite my sluggishness I have had some little bursts of creativity.  I started practicing some brush lettering, have posted here consistently and have really enjoyed my reading this month.  I have also throughly enjoyed taking part in Savouring January 2017 organised by Gabrielle Treanor over on Instagram.  Gabrielle is the designer of the gorgeous Green Gables Stationery which I have written about before here.  She is also writer,  avid researcher and practitioner on the subject of happiness.

Savouring January 2017 is a community photo project with a daily photo prompt provided by Gabrielle to encourage you to be more mindful, pause and notice whats around you.  The idea is to snap a photo of your interpretation of that day’s word and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #SavouringJanuary2017.

I managed 26 out of the 31 days and looked forward to posting and seeing what others had posted.  Apart from making me stop and think and appreciate it is also a good way of connecting with others on Instagram.  Below is a selection of the photographs I posted and the prompts.

You can find me on Instagram as @changing_pages

For more from Savouring January, search for #SavouringJanuary2017. on instagram


  1. Carolyn Vincent
    February 2, 2017 / 7:54 am

    Not keen on the dark days either Angie! Your wonderful photos bright lots of warmth and light. Things can only get better xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      February 7, 2017 / 9:44 pm

      Thanks Carolyn. The days are definitely getting longer and the snowdrops are in bloom….

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