The Weekend Wander #9 Baking and a Books Podcast

Afternoon tea

This week I have been doing quite a bit of baking in preparation for an afternoon tea we are holding on Sunday to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of The Esperanza Trust, a charity I have been trustee of for 10 of those years. Victoria Sandwiches, Cup cakes and Tea loves are tucked into the freezer.   Lemon Drizzle is yet to be made and I shall be baking batches of scones too.  With spring definitely here now, and Easter just around the corner your mind may be turning to hot cross buns and chocolate.  Or is it just me?

I have mentioned both of these blogs before but if you are looking for some baking inspiration this weekend, why not turn to Mess in the Ness or Pudding Lane?

Mess in the Ness is a collection of foodie, lifestyle and travel posts from Susan’s highland kitchen.  Reading of Susan’s highland travels and eats will certainly tempt you to plan your own Scottish adventure.

Pudding Lane is a London based baking blog curated by Lucy. She describes herself as Recipe writer and tester, cake maker and eater. I can vouch for the success of her Gin and tonic lemon drizzle cake which I have made on a number of occasions.  She also has a great recipe for chocolate and orange hot cross buns which will certainly turn your thoughts and taste buds to Easter.

I often bake whilst listening to BBC Radio i-player.  As I’ve said before, the desert island disc archive is a favourite.  I also use baking and kitchen time as an  opportunity to catch up with pod casts.

This week I came across the Specator book podcasts via Twitter.  I’m looking forward to downloading this particular podcast featuring Charlotte Rampling.  Its all about her memoir ‘Who am I’  which is described as a “slender, riddling approach to the actor’s inner life – not a catalogue of film anecdotes but rather a hesitant return to the child she was”  She also talks about the legacy of her Olympic medalist father, and about the terrible tragedy that defined her young womanhood.

I would love to have recommendations for other podcasts, so do let me know your favourites in the comments below.

Have a wonderful weekend


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