Paul Catherall An Exhibition of Linocuts in Ealing



If you haven’t discovered Paul Catherall yet, then I am very pleased to be the one to introduce you.  Actually as I write this I realise you may think you don’t know who Paul Catherall is, but chances are if you live in the UK and especially in London you will likely have seen his work without realising it. His art is particularly  recognisable and has been commissioned for the likes of Transport for London, British Airways and Penguin

Paul Catherall is a London based print maker.  He creates strong geometrical prints of landmarks from across London.  He uses lino cutting to create block like images in bold colours.  He is an artist I have been fond of for some time.  Last year I was fortunate enough to purchase one of his prints (Telecom Yellow) which hangs proudly in our dining room, where I do most of my blogging and writing.  It makes me happy each time I look at it.

Telecom yellowSo you will understand my excitement to have been invited to a a private view of his original prints at For Arts Sake, an art gallery and shop in Ealing, West London.   Pauls prints old and new are on display and It was brilliant to see all his work in one place. I particularly love the Hoover Building print (above).  This print was launched at the exhibition and will be a recognisable landmark for many who regularly pass it as they travel in and out of  London.  This print captures what I love most about Paul’s work; clear purposeful lines, striking architecture and strong colours.

Paul was at the view and it was good to able to listen in to snippets of his conversations as he described his technique and inspiration and meet, if even at a distance the creator of a piece of art we actually own!

Another one of his new works is this London city scape.  A familiar view to many of us; London’s sky line dotted with cranes captured in Paul’s unique style.  I will have to save long and hard to become the proud owner of this one!

City-of-London-Pink-Paul-CatherallPin this image on Pinterest


As with most art, its always better in real life so if you have the chance to get along to For Arts Sake. The exhibition runs until 21st May.  I highly recommend a browse.


  1. Carolyn Vincent
    May 11, 2017 / 6:57 am

    I really like the pictures Angie. I hadn’t recognised the artist or his medium – but how clever he is!

    love the London skyline!!

    Wish I lived nearer ….
    love Carolyn

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      May 11, 2017 / 9:29 pm

      Yes I love the London Skyline too. It comes in selection of colours, can’t decide which is my favourite

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