The Weekend Wander #21 Walking with Books

Holiday Reading

This weekend, I will be embarking on an action paced 2 week wander as we fly to Chamonix to begin and hopefully finish a trek of The Mont Blanc Circuit.  On foot, will we cross the borders of Switzerland, Italy and France and (I’m told) experience some unrivalled views of the Alps and Mont Blanc.  Although I enjoy laying by a pool or on the beach as much as anyone I also love a holiday that includes a bit of a challenge.  And this I am assured promises to be a challenge.  Its been on our wish list for a few years, so we are very much looking forward to it.

Despite the arduous nature of this holiday (10 days of 8 hours walking a day, with 3 rest days) and the likely little amount of time for reading I will still be packing books.  I am sure I will be only to pleased to rest my aching feet in the evening and pick up a novel or two.  I have written  on these pages before about the serious attention I give to choosing my holiday reading.  My fear of running out of reading material is well known.  I may be short on underwear, but I’ll never be short on books.  On this occasion I have had to restrain myself a little as we have a weight allowance but I can’t possibly go away for 2 weeks with less than 3 books. (If my husband is reading this, technically its only two, because I have already started one, and one is a guide book)

Thes are the books I have chosen to take wandering and walking this summer.

Holding by Graham Norton

It’s had great reviews, was one of the Radio 2 book club choices and I am a fan of Graham Norton so couldn’t resist this when I was at a local book shop recently

The Thousand Lights Hotel by Emylia Hall

I adore Emylia’s writing.  She creates a wonderful sense of place and her first novel The Book of Summers is one of my favourites.  I have really been looking forward to this.

Paris Mon Amour by Isabel Costello

Isabelle is the author of The Literary Sofa, blog I have been reading for some time now.  Paris Mon Amour is her first novel, I have just started it and am already loving it.

Trekking The Tour of Mont Blanc – Cicerone Guide

Both my husband and I are guide book enthusiasts and  although the trek we are doing is led by a guide, we always love to read up on where were are going or where we have been, so this will be securely packed in to the rucksack.  Having a well worn, well thumbed guide book on the shelf is always satisfying.

I look forward to sharing some of my wanderings with you when I return in a couple of weeks.

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