The Weekend Wander #22 Closer to Home


Its been a while since I posted a Weekend Wander.  A reflection of how much wandering I have been doing myself in recent weeks.  Our summer has been filled with friends and family, and travel and mountains and special occasions and lots of running.  Work of course got in the way a little bit but that hasn’t stopped us from either having loved ones to stay with us or being away ourselves every weekend for the last 11.  Yes, its been a busy time!

I’m still trying to cling on to summer despite the frankly very un-summery weather.  I’m not ready to part with my flip flops just yet and I can’t bear the thought of putting on boots now and not taking them off until March.  So I will continue to ignore weather reports, I shall persist in sitting outside whenever possible and will remain in denial about the darker evenings and chilly mornings for as long as possible

This weekend will be at at home.  I have a hair cut (essential),  Friday night we are going to an event at The Chiswick Book Festival, and  we are seeing friends for dinner Saturday night.  I also have the small matter of a 10 mile training run to do.  In 3 weeks I will be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon to raise money for The Pembridge Hospice, a place I worked for many years and still have very close links with in my current palliative care job.  I did it last year and loved it, so I’m looking forward to doing it all over again.

I haven’t found much time for blogging myself lately with all of the above activities.  I also haven’t found much time for reading the many blogs I love.  So in between haircuts, runs and soirees I am hoping to catch up with a bit of overdue blog reading.

These are some of my current favourites

Miranda’s Notebook

On of the most inspiring and beautiful blogs I know.  I am currently addicted to Miranda’s Tea and Tattle Podcast too.

Cultural Wednesday

A chronicle of  arts, culture, family travel and books to read along the way.

Hayley From Home

A warm hearted blog with some lovely bookish leanings

Tanama Tales

I have recently discovered this blog through the excellent #FarawayFiles link up.  A blog full of travel and food and inspiration

Of Books

One of the first book review blogs I read regularly and still come back to.  I have often been inspired to seek out new titles from Alice’s reviews.

I’m always keen to discover new blogs so if you have any you love or would recommend do let me know in the comments below

Have a wonderful weekend x

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