I first chose a ‘word’ for the year in 2015. I had read about this on other blogs which led me to Susannah Conway which is where I believe this began. There are no rules or set ways of doing this but I have found that focusing on one word can helps give the year structure and shape what feels important or significant. Its good to have a word to come back to when things are wavering and life feels tricky.
So this year the word I have chosen is PLAN, it came a close second to PREPARE. The clearly go hand in hand and are both things I hope to be better at this year.
I’ve known for a long time that lack of planning can lead to lack of achievement and frustration. I’m never going to be someone who plans my life to the finest degree. I enjoy spontaneity and am a little too disorganised for that. It was in fact my lack of forward planning for Christmas this year that left me running around in late December with a huge, frankly unacheivable list that finally made me realise I need to plan more!
There are things I would like to achieve this year, with Changing Pages, and there are things I want to learn how to do. There are some significant family occasions on the horizon. I have things I would like to do around the home, places I want to visit and perhaps most importantly people I want to spend time with. None of these will happen without a bit of forward planning and preparation. To plan is to be purposeful and focused, it involves clear thinking and prioritising and motivation and enthusiasm. All things I would like to be part of my work and my social, spiritual and creative life this year.
So far so good, I have an excellent planner for 2018 with a sections for monthly goals. This is proving to be helpful and will allow for better planning throughout the year. Perhaps I should report back half way through the year to let you know how I’m getting on…..hang on a mo, I’ll add it to my planner!
That sounds like an excellent idea. Hope a little of it rubs off on me. Xx