The Weekend Wander #36 The Spring Clean

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The leaden skies and near continuous rain may make it hard to believe that spring has sprung.  I had hoped the winter boots would have been tucked away by now, alas no. However we are promised warmer, sunnier skies in the coming days and I for one am feeling optimisitic.

In preparation for when Spring does finally show its face, a little spring cleaning is in order.  Nothing too vigorous you understand.  I’m certainly not known for my love of cleaning, but I do like to be organised and sort things out.  So this weekend I hope to do a little bit of that in both the house and the garden.

The Clothes Spring Clean

I usually try and have a bit of a clothes declutter twice a year, during spring and again before winter.  We have limited wardrobe and storage space and despite my love of clothes I don’t really like a wardrobe which is so full its not possible to see whats actually hanging in it.  I am so over winter now and am desperate to wear some clothes that are not jumpers and boots.  Its time to dive into the suitcase underneath the bed and revisit the spring / summer clothes, some of which I can be sure I won’t want to wear this year.  And I know I have some winter jumpers that need to go to another home….

The Books Spring Clean

Now I can’t promise this will happen, but I have good intentions in the coming weeks to have a bit of a book cull.  You probably won’t be surprised to read that I have a LOT of books. I do struggle to part with them, even the ones I know I absolutely won’t read again and I have no emotional attachment to.  I like to be surrounded by books.  I’m reassured by their presence and we all know that books make a house a home.  However, my shelves are full so its time to be brave and start sorting through some that can happily be donated to charity shops.  I read this post  on A The Beautiful Mess which has helped inspire me.

The Garden Spring Clean

Last weekend when we had a brief glimpse of spring we did manage a bit of garden tidying and the grass had its first cut of the year.  We have a very tiny patch which on previous years we have grown a few beans and lettuces.  This spring we have decided to fill it with sweet peas.  I adore sweet peas, partly because they smell glorious but mainly because they remind me of my husbands grandparents who were very special to me too. So this weekend I hope to get the seeds planted in preparation for an abundance of sweet smelling summer blooms.

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Have a lovely SPRING weekend X


  1. Karen
    April 13, 2018 / 3:01 pm

    Looking forward to feeling a bit of warm sunshine 🌞 I, too, am totally done with winter ❄️ xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 18, 2018 / 7:47 pm

      At last it seems like its coming to an end….

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