The Weekend Wander #38 #Wordsinbloom

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If you follow me on Instagram of indeed read Changing Pages regularly, you cannot have failed to notice many of my images feature flowers and books and more often than not both.  Books and flowers just go together don’t you agree, and I can’t imagine a home without them both, and I just love photographing them.

There are so many gorgeous spring flowers around at the moment that I find it impossible not to fill my house with daffodils and tulips and.  My current favourites are some gentle pink hyacinths and pale buttery yellow narcissus. They make smile each time I see them.

Recently I have been posting my pictures on instagram with the hash tag I have started #wordsinbloom 

If you are a fellow lover of words and blooms why not follow me on instagram or even better, join me in creating your own #wordsinbloom images to post on instagram.  It’s a great way of sharing the love of books and flowers and connecting with others of similar bookish-floral nature.  Lets create together a gorgeous gallery of words in bloom.

You can find me on Instagram as @changing_pages

You can find more from the hashtag #wordsinbloom here.


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