My Moments of Joy #11

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During a 3 day holiday weekend when skies have been blue and the sun has shone continuously, it has not been hard to find joy!

We spent the weekend with friends staying in a very lovely converted barn in the Lincolnshire countryside which as it turned out was the perfect place to spend a glorious sunny weekend. There have been so many moments of joy as there always are when time is spent with good friends but as I reflect on the days gone by I realise I have gained so much joy from simply being in the country side.

England’s Green and Pleasant Land

I adore London and could not imagine living anywhere else, however I was born and bred a country girl and still get so much pleasure from being in the country side, especially when the weather is this glorious.  At the moment the countryside is just bursting with spring.  Leaves on the trees are fresh and bright green, blossom of every shade of pink is heavy on boughs, shady woodland areas are carpeted in swathes of delicately scented bluebells and tulips are still nodding their pretty heads.  I managed a couple of runs at the beginning of the day before the sun was too hot and despite my huffing and puffing it was a complete joy to simply be in the beauty of creation.

Birdsong and silence

Where we live in London we do have lots of bird visitors to our garden and they obviously sing, in fact as I type this I can hear them singing but they are accompanied by the hum of cars or aeroplanes and other people in nearby gardens.  I am sure the birds are also celebrating spring because this weekend in the country side with out any other noise pollution I heard them singing like I’ve almost never heard them before…or maybe I just haven’t taken time listen before. Sitting sipping a cup of tea in the garden of the barn we were staying, in the early morning before anyone else was up with only the sound of birds for company I realised how much of my life is normally accompanied by noise, and how little I simply stop and listen.

Eating Alfresco

I love to eat outside and its one of my favourite things to do as soon as the weather is warm enough.  This weekend I have eaten every meal outside from breakfast to dinner. We BBQ’d, picnicked, ate tea and cake and sipped cold white wine and everything tasted so much better for being alfresco.

Wishing you all a week of Joyful moments

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  1. Karen
    May 9, 2018 / 8:53 pm

    Thank you for sharing it with us. Happy Days xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      May 13, 2018 / 9:30 pm

      It was lot of fun wasn’t it x

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