The Weekend Wander #41 Travel Blogs

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I imagine, many of you reading this will already have plans for the summer whether that be a staycation or somewhere further afield.  Today I wanted to share with you a few travel blogs which I often turn to for inspiration or simply to read about places I may want to go in the future or indeed may never go to but sound interesting!

Suitcases and Sandcastles – Great for Greece

This is the creation of travel writer Clare.  She has some great posts on UK travel and things to do with or with out children, but my favourite posts are those on Greece.   She has a great knowledge of the Greek Islands and takes great pictures of them too.  Every time I read one of her posts I find myself longing for a much over due trip to Greece.

Untold Morsels – Great for France and Italy

This is a travel blog that “seeks out unique and unusual experiences in destinations around the world. From local food and wine to history, architecture and art old and new, we explore culture in all its forms”. It is written by Katy an Australian Mum who until recently was living in London.  Katy has some great posts on Italy and France so definitely worth a look if you are heading across the English Channel this summer.  I was recently very pleased to contribute to one of Katy’s posts on small French towns to visit.

Catherine’s Cultural Wednesdays – Great for London and UK

I love Catherine’s inspiration for things to do in London, and her particular emphasis on arts and culture.   Once a week, usually on a Wednesday, she heads out of the house and goes to see something out of the ordinary, and then writes about it on her blog.  I have been to visit a number of exhibitions as a result of reading Catherine’s blog.

Oregon Girl Around The World – Great for Denmark and all things Scandi

Erin originates from Oregon but has lived all over the world.  She is currently living with her family in Denmark and takes every opportunity to enjoy and share this country.  Before reading Erins blog, I had not really thought of Denmark as a destination but her enthusiasm and knowledge has encouraged me to think otherwise.  She has a wonderfully creative approach to travel.

Passionfruit, Paws and Peonies – Great for elegant UK and overseas travel

This blog curated by Maria doesn’t only have a very stylish name, it also has some very stylish content. This is primarily a fashion and lifestyle blog rather than pure travel. I am always inspired not only by Maria’s posts but also by what she is wearing.  She knows how to travel in style.  She has some great reviews of elegant UK places to stay and eat.

If you would like to see some of my previous travel posts why not have a look at my Travelling Pages and London Pages.

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  1. June 15, 2018 / 1:54 pm

    I couldn’t resist taking a look at this post as I’m always on the look out for great blogs to read but I was really delighted to find that I’m actually in it! Thank you so very much for including Suitcases and Sandcastles. We’re off to Greece this summer so very much hoping to discover some lesser known islands while we’re there!

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      June 17, 2018 / 6:15 pm

      Hi Claire, I am so pleased to have discovered your blog. You have tempted me with Greece so much and I always enjoy your posts. Look forward to reading of your travels this summer too. Have a great time.

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