Holiday Reading – For a City Break

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Last week I brought to you recommendations for some holiday beach reads, which I gather from some of the feedback I had on Instagram went down rather well.  This week I want  to share with you some reading suggestions for a city break.

Just like last week, each of the books I have chosen are books  I have read and throughly enjoyed.  All of them are linked with a particular city, and when ever I think of these books I think of the city they are set in.  In the likelihood that a city break will be just a few days I have chosen books which are either relatively short or I think you will whizz through because they are so good!

The Politics of Washing  by Polly Coles – Venice

If you have been to Venice you will know what a uniquely beautiful city it is, but also what a bewildering and confusing place it is too.  If you are planing a trip to Venice this summer (or even if you are not but want to understand more of this remarkable city then this is the place to start. Polly Coles moved with her husband and children to Venice and she tells the story of a remarkable year in this book.  This book will make you a more respectful tourist and one who is sympathetic to the fragile glory of this beautiful city and the needs of those who are proud to call it their home.

Here can read my full review of The Politics of Washing

The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald – New York

I adore this novel and have read it many times. There are few novels I know of that convey a sense of stifling heat like The Great Gatsby “the room shadowed well with awnings, was dark and cool. Daisy and Jordan lay upon an enormous couch, like silver idols weighing down their own white dresses against the singing breeze of the fans. ‘We can’t move’ they said together ”

I have been to New York a number of times, although never in summer, and each time I do I think of the NY of the 1930’s captured so brilliantly in this classic tale of unrequited love and decadence.

Paris Mon Amour by Isabel Costello – Paris

I read this book whilst on holiday in France last year and I loved it.  It is the first novel by the curator of The Literary Sofa blog. This novel is sultry and seductive and just a little bit dangerous.  Isabel Costello’s love and knowledge of Paris is evident throughout this story of love and passion and reckless betrayal.  The Paris Isabel writes of  feels believable and true.

Here can read my full review of Paris Mon Amour

84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff – London / New York

This is another classic and should be read by all bibliophiles.  This is a lovely celebration of the friendship brought about by books.  It is a collection of letters written by Helene Hannfe in New York to the book seller Frank at 84 Charing Cross Road in London from 1949 to 1969. This gives a lovely insight into the cultural differences of these two great cities at that time but also how the love of books can conquer all divides.

I do hope you find something here to wet your appetite for some sultry summer city reading.

Let me know any books you would recommend.

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